Online Registration Form

Currently we recommend that you fill this form in, print it and then mail or fax it to our Piscataway Office.(732 562-0790)

  1. Personal Information
  2.       First Name:   MI:

          Last Name:



    City, State, ZIP:

    Phone Number: - home office

    Fax Number:     - home office

  3. Billing Information

  4. Credit Card: # Visa MasterCard

    Exp. date: /   Cardholder Name:

    (Note: We also accept other forms of payment.. To set up an account without a credit card, you can fill out this form, print it, then mail it to us with a check or money order for the appropiate startup fee + first three months. We bill non-credit card accounts quarterly, in advance.)

  5. Account Information


Computer Type:

Connection Speed:



This will be your user name on our system, and the first part of your email address.

So if you chose "wilbur", your email address would be "".

    • There are two passwords on UniFlex.Net system, and will be assigned by UniFlex.Net. The first password is for login access to our ISDN routers and the second password is for telnet and mail access to your assigned server.


Please let us know how we may be of serice to you. Thank you.

Accounts are usually activated by the next business day at noon.

Please take a moment to read UniFlex's Acceptable Use Policy.

Welcome to!